Tips for Beginner Wedding Planners

I get a lot of questions in my DM’s, but there is one question I get super often:

“How do I start a wedding planning business?”

If you're dreaming of planning weddings, but you don't know where to start, this blog post is just for you.

First things first - focus on gaining education and experience.

Working alongside wedding planners who have been in the industry will kick start your learning like no other. You can research wedding tips all you want, but until your feet are on the ground, and you are in the thick of wedding days, you won’t get a real taste for what it’s like. When you shadow wedding professionals you aren’t just seeing the highlights on social media… you’re seeing ALL the nitty gritty details. From everything that could go wrong, to celebrating the big wins. It’s insane how much you can learn from just observing. We don't offer internships at the moment, but there are a TON of wedding vendors who do! Don't be afraid to reach out and ask them if you can shadow them!

Speaking of shadowing wedding planners, that’s actually where I got my start!

I quite literally begged my old manager to let me tag along to watch her coordinate a wedding day (her side hustle at the time). I kid you not, I had no idea years later I would be running a full-blown wedding planning business. I have ZERO formal training in event planning, which just goes to show you do NOT have to get a degree in order to learn the ropes and call yourself a wedding planner.

Note: Some planners even need assistants at times. Once you have a little more experience, but aren’t ready to plan a wedding completely on your own, this could be a great option for you!

Next, be so patient with yourself.

Not to burst your bubble, but you probably aren’t going to become an expert overnight (but wouldn’t that be SO nice?!) There will be mishaps and mistakes that happen along the way, but that is NORMAL. Not every single part of every wedding day will flow naturally in the beginning. (Trust me, I know!) The important part is that you have grace… and maybe some grit (See what I did there, HA?!) with yourself and recognize learning a new skill takes time.

Okay, this tip might be hard to swallow. Are you ready for it?

Remember that you’re not going to be the best fit for every couple.

The best thing you can do is be selective with who you book. It is better to take on a few of the right couples than to book out your calendar with the wrong ones. I know, I know you want to fill your schedule, but I can assure you that you’ll do your best work alongside your ideal clients. You are incredible, and when you stick to the couples that vibe with your style, you will see growth over time!

WHEW, did you get all that?!

If you are ready to take the next steps and educate yourself on the nitty-gritty details of wedding planning, you’re in luck!

Here’s a list of resources from our corners of the internet:


Wedding Registry 101 with Bed, Bath & Beyond


3 Invaluable things to look for when hiring wedding vendors